The following Icelandic stallions are available for breeding within New Zealand. All the stallions listed below have had a FEIF breeding assessment, are fully registered on WorldFengur and conform with official IceHNZ Studbook rules.
Please click here for IceHNZ requirements for stallions. Full IceHNZ studbook rules can be found under the "Membership and Forms" tab.
Please contact the individual owners for more information.
Prins Valíant frá Þúfu í Kjós
Standing at stud at Christchurch Icelandic Horses, also serving mares within New Zealand using AI. Only serving purebred Icelandic mares.
For more information please contact:
Christchurch Icelandic Horses
Inga Currey
P: 027 5050542
In February 2019 Prins Valíant frá Þúfu í Kjós was directly imported from Iceland.
Prins Valíant is five gaited, 144 cm tall and has high assessments for his conformation, gaits and ridden ability.
For full results of Prins' FEIF breeding assessment, please click here.
He has a calm and friendly character and is very easy to handle and ride. He has some offspring in Iceland and his first foals in New Zealand arrived in early 2020.

Dökkvi from Haldane
F Haukur frá Stuðlum IS2002187105
M Miska from Haldane AU2003203001
Fully vet checked included X-rays
Carries two copies of the DMRT3 gait keeper gene: AA (100% chance of at least one gait gene in offspring)
Dökkvi is available for AI nationwide via frozen semen, stored at MSV Equibreed in Matamata.
For more information please contact:
Skogarrond LTD
Jennie Boerema
M 021 2681301
Click here for assessment results from 2016. Further comments from his ridden assessment in 2018 by Silke Feuchthofen, official FEIF breeding judge, are as follows:
" Well framed black stallion of good size with 5-gaited ability. Harmoniously built with well separated, roomy movements and clear beat in all gaits.
He offers lots of clear beated, fluent natural tölt with good balance and a supple trot with a good moment of suspension.
He has a friendly, cooperative character with great willingness to please under the saddle"